
Facts are observations about reality which are objectively true. But it is impossible for people to make such observations. This is due to the uncertainty of human knowledge. People don’t gain knowledge through direct observation of reality, they use reason or the senses. Since reality is not directly observed, its accuracy is uncertain. So all observations about reality are uncertain. So there are no facts. But people need facts. They need it for survival. For example, when people lived in the wild they accepted as fact the dangerous nature of wild animals. This fact helped them survive. People also need facts to handle uncertainty. People are uncomfortable with uncertainty in nature. So they seek to predict future. Accepting some observations as facts allows them to predict future. For example, scientists predict future using facts. But all scientific predictions rest on acceptance of an uncertain observation as fact. Scientists accept uniformity in the universe as a fact. Accepting that observation as a fact allows them to deduce laws in nature and predict future. Similarly, religious people predict future using facts. But all religious predictions rest on acceptance of an uncertain observation as fact. Religious people accept existence of god as a fact. Accepting that observation as fact allows them to use religious knowledge to predict future.

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